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The Telescope was a magazine for amateur astronomers published between 1931 and 1941. The magazine was first published as a quarterly under the editorship of Harlan Stetson, director of the Perkins Observatory in Ohio. -- Wikipedia Ebay Steals Deals: Celestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZ Review: A SThe telescope comes with a sturdy aluminum tripod that provides stable support during observations. The inclusion of an accessory tray allows users to keep eyepieces and other small tools within reach. The overall constr
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William Herschel - WikipediaWilhelm, nineteen years old at this time, was a quick student of the English language. In England, he went by the English rendition of his name, Frederick William Herschel.
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Advice for stirring your online community and fostering engagement - MWhen you enter into any new area of science, you almost always find yourself with a baffling new language of technical terms to learn before you can c...
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